Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rocked by God this morning

A friend once told me; you think about others more than you think about yourself. In some ways, that's good. In some ways, it's bad (or not as good.)

A lot of times I find myself thinking about the needs of others. I'll think about the homeless people in our nation, the starving kids in Africa, the people who were hurt by the earthquake in Japan, the people whose houses/lives were damaged by the tornadoes in our country, my friends/family who need prayer...etc. When I think about all those people I wonder how I can help and that they really need to know the love of God. I'll think- those people are valuable to God too and He wants to restore their lives.

This morning as mom and i were riding around in our van, we were listening to Point of Grace.
Suddenly, God told me/laid it on my heart & mind that I am also valuable to Him. He also loves me and cares about me. So many times I'm thinking about others- that i think i miss the fact that God thinks about/of me, cares about/for me, loves me...etc. I didn't quite break down, but i cried because I was reminded of God's love for me and how much He loves me.

Romans 5:7-9 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!

There was a Point of Grace song that we were listening to some of the lyrics said:
"The more you give the more He brings His love back to you!" and "The answer is Jesus."
Amen to both of those!

p.s.- i did not post the picture to be vainful by any means...just posted it to remind me that God/Jesus cares about me and loves me.


  1. Dear Rebecca, God knows your future. He loves you as His daughter. As long as you fix your eyes on Jesus, He will show you how to live and how to spend your time. It is the Holy Spirit inside of you that gives you compassion for others. God will always fill you up as you spend time with Him so that you have more love and compassion to give!
