Friday, October 5, 2012

The Gift to Breathe

          "How can the creature not worship its Creator and Sustainer? The debt that is owed Him cannot be measured. Would there be anything if He had not spoken? Would not all things immediately turn to chaos and destruction if He did not sustain them? Could the constellations and planets find their way through the skies without Him? Would not the seas escape their boundaries and engulf the land if His hand did not hold them back? Could man draw even one more breath were it not granted to him by God? How then can we not worship?"- Paul Washer (from the One True God bible study)

         Have you ever really thought about how the ability to breath is really an amazing and a wonderful gift from God? The fact that we breathe involuntarily is soooo incredible. We don't have to tell our bodies every single second to breathe in and breathe out. It just happens. When we breathe in, our diaphragm lowers to allow in more air. When we breathe out, our diaphragm pushes up on our muscles to push the air out. Not only that, but we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Whoa!! Take for example this quote from wiki answers.
 (it should be broken up into sentences but this is how the quote was)
When oxygen is breathed in it goes to the alveoli... in to the bloodstream where it is picked up        by a protein molecule called hemoglobin one molecule of hemoglobin can transport 4 oxygen molecules to anywhere in the body the hemoglobin transports the oxygen to another protein called Cytochrome C oxidase which makes two molecules of water for every molecule oxygen (water needs two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen) when a water molecule is made it releases energy the Cytochrome C oxidase harvests the energy then uses it for every day functions. Carbon Dioxide is released because it is in most everything we eat and is toxic to humans so we breathe it out. You breath oxygen in order for you to live. You give off carbon dioxide in order for plants to live."


Could man draw even one more breath were it not granted to him by God?
Have you ever really thought about this? God's love for us is SOOOO great and so unexplainable that He gives us each and every breath that we breathe. Last night, I was driving home from a bible study group. As I was driving home, I was listening to "Perfect Love" by Shai Linne. The combination of his song and what I've been studying in my bible study just overwhelmed me. The thought of God literally giving me each and every single breath i breathed just brought me to tears. Literally, people, every breath you breathe- the small ones and the big ones; it just isn't something you can take for granted. God gives/gave you the ability to breathe. He created the process of respiration. He gave you life!! Not only that, He gave/gives you life ABUNDANTLY!!! Think about that! It's not just that we can breathe; we use our breath to speak, to sing, to play instruments that require air, pray, to take in oxygen, to laugh, to breathe, to sigh, to proclaim, to yell, to scream, to shout, to worship...etc. 

Genesis 2: 7 "...the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

The depth of God's love for us is so great that even our next breath- that one, and that one, and that one, and that one too and all the other breaths that you will take today and for the rest of your life- He allows and grants to us. Surely, He gives LIFE-and literally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
"When the creation is correctly understood, it works to lay all men prostrate before God with reverence, trembling, and a real sense of utter dependence upon the One who made them." -Paul Washer

"When we do worship Him, we are at last fulfilling the purpose for which we were created." -Paul Washer

Psalm 150: 6 "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"