Monday, February 20, 2012

5 Reasons I Do Not Cuss

There are many things in life that bother me; some things just plain annoy me. But one of the top things that really gets on my nerves is cussing. Now I do realize that there is freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't choose our words carefully and really watch what we say. Please know that my initial idea is not to be rude to anyone, I am just expressing how much I strongly dislike cussing. So here are my top 5 reasons why I don't cuss.

#1: To me, cussing is vulgar and degrading.
It's not that I just don't like it- whenever I hear it being spoken or see it- it doesn't sound nice
or look good at all. When I hear it being used to describe someone, I think- that sounds extremely negative and degrading of that person's character. It's one thing if that person is displaying ungodly character- but it doesn't really look good for someone to put that person down in order to elevate themselves.

#2: Use a thesaurus and/or expand your vocabulary
Are these the only words you know that can truly express what you're feeling? I'm sorry but I'm not amused by it. Please learn some new words that can truly help you describe the feelings you have.

#3: Is the thing, person, event, etc.. really that terrible? really?
Whatever is the negative thing you experienced- whether it was a person being obnoxious, or an event that you really did not like, or something that you really dislike- is it really all that bad? I can understand if something you experienced really was terrible and awful, but there are other words that can describe how you feel as well. I don't know about you, but i'd like to make my struggles places that I can grow- not just mentally, but also spiritually.

#4: Ephesians 4:29
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Plain and simple. If what you are saying tears down someone, then it's probably better to not say it at all.

#5: The use of hell in terms of do u even know what hell is like?
Unless you are someone who has had a vision of hell, or an out of body experience in hell, how could you possibly know if something is as terrible as hell is? I've been thinking about this use of this word and my conclusion is- you have no idea what hell is like. I have no idea what hell is like.

So there are my 5 reasons why I don't cuss- the 5th one being a more specific reason.

oh yea- #6. To me, cussing does not make someone look cool or sound cool.

Again, I am not trying to be rude- I am just giving my opinion.