Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This post is not about moving as in moving from one house to another. It's about following God's commands and His leading.

I've been reading more in Exodus. Now I'm reading about the plagues. (I'm past that now but I had been reading about the plagues). Before God brought the plague upon Egypt, He told Moses and Aaron what to do and say to Pharaoh when they went before Pharaoh. God always said "Go to Pharaoh...", then his specific order followed. Whenever God was about to move, or show His power, He always told Moses/Aaron what to say or do- so that God's power would be revealed and the Israelites and Egyptians would KNOW that HE IS GOD.

When God said GO, Moses and Aaron WENT. (Okay so Moses was definitely unsure of himself and argued with God when God first called him at the burning bush- but Moses eventually went.) If Moses had not responded to God's calling, then Moses would not have grown into the man of God that he became. Recently I've thought about what if Exodus 14:16 never happened.
((to Moses God said) 16 Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.) What if Moses had not done that. Would God still have shown His power? Would God still have parted the Red Sea by another means of His power and shown more of His glory?

If Moses had not moved, when God said GO, if Moses had not spoken to Pharaoh when God said tell him this, if Moses had not fully obeyed God- Moses would have had many missed opportunities to serve God and to be His vessel. Moses would not have become the man of God that God created him to be.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Snake's Tail...

Despite my rather boring morning...Let's be honest for a second. I haven't exactly been reading my bible lately. I've been really sick the past few days- almost a week that I've been sick. Last Sunday, I watched The Prince of Egypt on youtube (yes it's all there) and, again, I was blown away at how God used Moses- just an ordinary person. Moses was on God's mind from the beginning. The Israelites had been under the oppression of Pharaoh for many years, and God had in mind to deliver them, though the israelites didn't think so. They had been working hard for Pharaoh for many years and after working with bricks, straw, and clay for too long- they began to believe that maybe God was not going to save them from Pharaoh's hand. What their situation came down to was trust...would they really trust God and believe that He was going to actually save them?

So this morning i decided to start reading in Exodus; the same story that the Prince of Egypt is- just to understand it a bit more and see God's powerful hand at work all over again. This morning I read Exodus (chapters) 1-4. I read something in chapter 4 that baffled me and got me thinking. It was verses 1-4 (That's Exodus 4:1-4 just so you're not confused.)

1 Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The LORD did not appear to you’?”

2 Then the LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?”

“A staff,” he replied.

3 The LORD said, “Throw it on the ground.”

Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it.

4 Then the LORD said to him, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail.” So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand.

The part that really got me was when God told Moses to pick up the snake by its tail. AHEM...BY IT'S TAIL.. Nowadays, if someone picked up a snake by it's tail, the snake might come back and bite us. Now, picking up a snake by its tail is not a smart thing to do. I noticed in the Prince of Egypt movie that (in this part of the movie) Moses picks up the snake behind its head- the smart way to pick up a snake. But what did God say in the bible? Pick it up by its tail. God was asking Moses to trust Him on 2 (or maybe 3) accounts. 1) pick up a snake 2) pick up the snake by its tail 3) trust me that the snake will not come back and bite you. That's a lot to trust God on and really believe that the snake would not harm him when he picked it up BY THE TAIL.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Final Solo..

So i've really had a lot of topics on my mind and thought about many things I could write about on my next entry. I've had verses on my mind, spiritual topics, experiences...etc..ideas ideas ideas.

Let me begin by saying that i really do like my dance teachers. They've been so helpful to me these past years that I've been at Meredith College. They're so willing to work with me on anything or if i have a question, they'll be happy to answer it. They are also considerate of their students and are really able to be real with their students and help them out when they need it.

A few weeks ago, I performed my final solo dance. This dance was my final exam for my dance composition class. All along in this class, I have been creating new movement and learning about tools that I can use to help me in my process of creating movement. This final solo was also something that i created and performed for my class. (everyone in that class performed their solo, not just me). My final solo was/is about the battle that we as christians face everyday; the battle between the flesh and the spirit. I was really excited and a bit nervous about performing this solo. I kept praying that God would help me in this and that people would see Him in my dance and not just me. I was really looking forward to doing this solo as a form of ministry at my school and to the other students who were going to see it.

So i perform my final solo and as I was dancing it, onstage in the college's auditorium, i thought- this is what i really really want to do; travel across the country/world- and minister in my dance while i dance. Anyway, i do my dance and pray that God was glorified in it. I get my feedback later on from my teacher- and she did say a lot of things that i could have done to make my dance better and maybe a few ideas on it too..i think she did like it though.

When I saw my grade on my final solo, I was somewhat disappointed. It's not necessarily the grade that mattered much to me, it was the fact that I had worked on this dance for a really long time and I was really trying to add more to it and make it longer than one minute. Plus, I really felt like this was something great that I was creating. For example, you work on something for quite sometime, you put a lot of energy and emotion into it, you're really excited to show it or perform it, you can't wait to hear what your teacher/peers think about your piece, and you're just looking forward to the whole experience. Then when u do hear from your teacher or see the grade and it's not what you thought you'd get, it's kind of depressing and disappointing.

This is what happened to me in regards to my final solo. It's not that i didn't appreciate the valuable feedback I got from my teacher because I really did value it and she had some really great pointers. The grade I received was not what I was expecting.

This really all comes down to one thing, and one thing only --> Jesus Christ.
The other conclusion I came to in the midst of this was that I really was doing this for God and since He gave me a love for dance, why not give honor back to Him in my dance and just thank Him for taking away all my sin? I also thought that although I should respect people's opinions and advice, Jesus' thoughts on me is what I should be most concerned about.

In lieu of all these words, go watch my final solo- it's on my facebook page. Know that I am really doing it for Him; it's just that other people happen to be seeing it also.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Self Created Deserts?/ Brothers in Christ- but i don't know them personally.

So I've been thinking about this idea of deserts....spiritual deserts. I know I've had my share of mine and it would be honest of me to say that I'm kind of in one right now. (not exactly, but it's just hard for me to see God's plan for my life past college- ie see the previous post I wrote addressing this topic)
It seems to me that sometimes we create our own spiritual deserts. What do i mean by this? We read our bibles and spend time with God- gaining every possible thing we can from him and what He has to say. Our spiritual life is great. But, life goes on and we get can get so busy caught up in this or that- whatever it is- it takes the place of our time in the Word or our time with God. If/When this continues over a long period of time, we start feeling spiritually dry and we feel like we're not hearing what God has to say to us, we feel like he's far away from us, we're not able to get through, and sometimes when we read the bible- no words or verses pop out- it's just like reading another text book. At this time, the obvious is what we really need to dig into- praying, even though we may not want to, read the bible even though nothing jumps out at us, and remembering God's faithfulness to us in the past/present/future.

Exodus 13:20-22 says this: in talking about the Israelites before they crossed the Red Sea:
After leaving Sukkoth they camped at Etham on the edge of the desert. By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.

Notice who was with them in the desert. The LORD. He went ahead of them to guide them through and eventually out of the desert.

Exodus 14 talks about Pharaoh and his army trying to capture the Israelites- BUT GOD had a different plan in store. God saw beyond the desert, beyond the dry wasteland, beyond the arid and parched and barren land. God's plan of action was to take his people across the Red Sea into a place of celebration and victory. Check out Exodus 15 and you'll see what i'm talking about.
See, if the Israelites had not been through the desert, they would have not come out on the other side rejoicing and praising God for what He has done.

On a smaller note, I'm looking forward to a huge concert this weekend. It's always wonderful when the body of Christ comes together to worship the ONE TRUE GOD. The reason for the 2nd half of the title "Brothers in Christ- but i don't know them personally" is this. Several artists are going to be sharing their music at this concert. It's so easy to see these cats as famous people or to see them as something they don't wanna be seen as. Lately, I've really been trying to see them as more of the body of Christ- and yes- even though I don't know them personally, they're still my brother's in Christ- who still need prayer for the everyday struggles. I'm excited about getting together with more of the overall Church body and just worshiping God with many people who believe the same way I do. I do realize that some people may not believe the same way, but I'm hoping that those people will come to know my Awesome Savior.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is my dance that i created for my 4th movement study in my dance composition 1 class. My piece is entitled: Extended to Crinkled. I hope you like it---and maybe you can guess what it is based on....i'll give u two hints.
1)My object is something you see during 3 out of 4 seasons.
2)Most of the time i'm green, but i can also come in red, yellow, orange, and brown.
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tomorrow? / Ugh....

Interesting title no? Well let me explain.
Lately i've been thinking a lot about how humans plan their activities and what is to happen each and every day. I'm just thinking, ya, well you can plan what you wanna plan, but we are NOT guaranteed tomorrow. Each day that i'm still alive, i'm thankful to God that HE GIVES me another chance to live. Today I was thinking about how each day is like a clean slate. We can start over again with God, ask forgiveness for our sins, and each day HE GIVES us another chance to live for Him. In some ways, I could just say "I'm gonna do this tomorrow" then it happens, but who am i to take that for granted? I should be ALWAYS thanking God for giving me another chance to live, another chance to start over with a clean slate, another chance for God's grace and forgiveness to come through to me, another chance_________ (fill in the blank). It's so easy for me to get caught up in my own plans, that sometimes i really miss WHO GIVES ME day after day after day after day.

On another note, ever have that feeling when you know you could be doing more with your life? I have. In fact, i've had this feeling for quite some time. There's tons of people/artists/christian actors/christian singers/ ie anyone else who really lives out the great commission everywhere they go- and I want sooo bad to be doing what they are doing- not literally the same thing, but ideally the same thing- preaching the gospel, praying for strength for the weary, freeing the captives, seeing people healed, bringing people to an understanding and TRUTH of who God is. I SO WANT to do this. But I feel that only wanting this, and not doing it is not ALL what God has for me. It is one thing to want to do something, it's another thing when I act on my thoughts and desires. Right now, I'm still in college; and i get jealous of others who are out there serving God with everything they have and completely being unashamed to share His word with others. I get jealous because I would love to be doing the same thing. But where am I? I'm still in college....UGH. It's not that i don't like college- i do- i even like my major (dance). But sometimes it's so hard for me to see that God actually has a plan for my life after college. Sure i can serve Him in college, sure i can be a light for Him on my college campus, sure i can do/be a lot of things, but that doesn't make college life go faster. It's possible that i can graduate in Fall 2011. It's possible that i can graduate in Spring of 2012. The sooner the better, right?

In light of all this, keep me in your prayers. Pray that God would begin to show me step-by-step of His master plan for my life. Pray that I will not lose the thought/truth that God really does have a plan for me. Why does he have a plan for me? Because He said so- and i really don't think that God is in the business of giving people pointless lives. Quite the opposite- he gives LIFE ABUNDANTLY. He is why my life is worth living.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


So this mornin' as i was walkin' to the student center at my college, i decided to get out my scripture memory cards for crosswave and review my verse for October. I also decided to read all the verses on my key ring just because i wanted to. The last verse really spoke to me: Eph. 1:3-7.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." AMAZING as it is....but it gets better.

"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."
Wait a second, reread that now. Seriously, before God even created the whole world HE CHOSE ME to be holy and blameless? Before he even created the world or spoke it into existence, HE CHOSE ME...and thought of me to be holy AND blameless in his sight. think about that. it blows my mind too. (it gets better from here too)

"In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves."
IN LOVE...GOD.......had already had it in mind for us to be adopted sons and daughters to Him. whoa...

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding."
IN GOD....all these things that we don't deserve, yet because of his grace and mercy, we are given the wonderful gifts of being redeemed through his blood, forgiveness of sins, God's grace that he LAVISHED on us with ALL WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I really wanna let the people know...You God, are the only way to go.

I know I'm called to this world for a reason. God has a unique plan for me being here; Jeremiah 29:11 says so. I know there are sooo many people out there who need to hear the voice of God callin' them to repentance. But the question is, why don't i go? Why not go out and make disciples among all nations? Isn't that what the bible says is the Great Commission? How awesome it is for God to choose us, mere grasshoppers (Is. 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.) to go out and share the gospel message with everyone. BUT, we don't have to be afraid to do this- we don't need to be scared of what others are gonna think about us. Guess who already goes before us? Guess who will be preparing the hearts of the people we talk to? Guess who does all the heavy lifting? Guess whose thoughts are more valuable to us than anyone elses? Guess who always keeps His promises? Guess who is always with us and NEVER FORSAKES us? If you answered God/Jesus/Bible/ Holy Spirit to any of these questions you are truthfully right.

basic encouragement to all the believers and basic encouragement to myself to go out and do the same thing. Let's fight this war together as an Army of God's people- we've got the best Captain!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alien in the land and a thoughful verse from Romans

Lately, it seems like God has been showing me more about being an alien in my own country, state, city, etc. I've been hearing about the oil spill, the economy, school decisions, and other news from the media- and i think, "man, with all this hard stuff going on, i'm glad that this earth is not my final destination. My true home is in heaven with God my Father." In this world, many people have troubles, including myself. What is our escape? Why were we put on this earth if there's so much turmoil and hardships? Didn't God say go and make disciples? The reason why we're on this earth is to serve God and make Him known. (I'm sure there are other reasons as well, those were just the 1st 2 reasons to pop in my head.) Sometimes when I'm worshiping God, I'll think "Ya know, I was made for something better. I was made to worship God and be with Him."

My thoughtful verse comes from Romans 5:20-21
20The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, 21so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

When I first read these verses, my first thought was this:
1) Sin increased? uh oh. that doesn't sound good. I don't want sin to increase.

BUT....i had to go on to read the rest of the verse.
Where sin increased, GRACE increased ALL THE MORE. Wow...what an encouraging thought.
When sin increased, grace for us increased.
Also, my other thought about this verse was this:
2) because sin increased, no one can say that they are perfect. If there were only one law- people
could become perfect and do their best to not break that rule. Where sin increased, grace increased. No one is perfect, only God is perfect.

The next few verses in Romans 6 help us with this also. Where sin increased, grace increased.
Just because grace is increasing, doesn't mean we can keep on sinning.

Romans 6:1-4
1What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.